Triang Eavestaff Mini Royal Piano
Triang produced a piano for the musically inclined residents of the Triang dolls house. The style is taken from the Eavestaff Mini Royal Piano, and Stool produced in the 1960’s.

The Eavestaff Mini Royal Piano, was one of the first piano manufacturers who designed a piano that would fit into the smaller modern homes.

The seat of the piano stool lifts up, to store your sheet music in.
When the top lid is opened the silver strings of the piano can be seen, it is complete with two black foot pedals.
The lid covering the piano keys lifts up, and tucks neatly under the top lid.

This is probably a later model of the piano, as it is made of two different coloured shades of brown.
The seat of the piano stool lifts up, to store your sheet music in.
The lid covering the piano keys lifts up, and tucks neatly under the top lid.
The newer Triang piano has gold strings and pedals.
Top view looking down into the piano, there is quite a lot of detail inside.
On the inside of the piano lid is enbossed with the makers name Eavestaff.
This is another one of the few furiture items that are marked as being made by Tri-ang.

For more examples of Triang/Spot On/Jenny’s Home Furniture visit my Board on Pintrest: