Triang Spot-On Jenny’s Home Garden
Triang Spot-On
Triang Spot On furniture was produced in 1960. The style of this furniture being the late 1950’s The furniture made from moulded plastic and metal. It was sold in individual boxes, with the ‘Triang’ and ‘Spot On’ Logos, on a pink and cream box. The Range also included ‘Dollies Home’ introduced in 1962, which consisted mainly of room sets. The boxes they were sold in were printed to represent the room, kitchen, bedroom etc. The ‘Triang’, ‘Spot On’ and ‘Dollies Home’ range continued until 1964.
Jenny’s Home
As fashion and style move on so did Triang and in 1964, they launched a new range of furniture in collaboration with ‘Homes and Gardens’ magazine. This co-insided with the introduction of the ‘Jenny’s Home ‘ Room Boxes, many of them came ready furnished and could be joined together. Much of the furniture of the ‘Triang’ ‘ Spot On Range’, either changed in style or bright modern colours. Being made now completely of plastic, with the removal of the metal fittings. The packaging also changed with a move away from pink to blue, yellow, red and orange. With a smart new logo in a red and pink heart, with Jenny’s Home in the middle, and the words ‘the home that g-r-o-w-s around it. Individual items and small room sets, now on blister pack cards and room sets in plastic covered square flat boxes.
Luxurious Garden Furniture for complete relaxation. The sophisticated home maker will be delighted with the simple line of these beautifully proportioned pieces, in which functional design and elegance combine to form the perfect setting for the modern doll.

The box is a bit battered, and is becoming thin along the creases, but I suppose it comes to most of us with age.

The ‘G.’ Garden Set consists of a table and umbrellas [1028], hammock seat [1027], sun lounger [1118], and 2 folding stools [1030].


As you can see the metal pole on this Garden Table is at a rather jaunty angle.

The table has a weight in the base to stop it from falling over.

The folding stools are tiny, it is a wonder they haven’t been lost.

This is a lovely Garden Shed Set, consisting of a Workbench with tools [1049], garden tools [1114], garden roller [1052], lawn mower [1050] and wheelbarrow [1051].

The tools on the workbench and on the back still has its original sellotape.

The metal frame of the workbench is painted black, the working vice is also metal, but not painted. The workbench top is made from moulded brown plastic, another example of the workbench can be found below.
This is the underside of the workbench showing the vice.
This is another one of the few furniture items that are marked as being made by Tri-ang. This is on the little shelf on the workbench.
The workbench comes with a fretsaw, hacksaw, tenon saw, chisel and plane. They are made of dark brown plastic. They are so tiny it is a wonder they have not been lost over the years.
This is a lighter version of the workbench. Constructed the same as the one above, the only difference is the colour. The turquoise vice probably dates it nearer to the Jenny’s Home range of furniture.
The black part of the workbench is metal, the rest is made of plastic. There is a little shelf underneath which can be removed.
The workbench comes with a fretsaw, hacksaw, tenon saw, chisel and plane. They are made of plastic which has been painted silver to represent the metal on the tools. They are so tiny it is a wonder they have not been lost over the years.
There is a vice attached to the bench, it actually works by turning the little metal screw.
This is another one of the few furniture items that are marked as being made by Tri-ang.

A nice selection of garden tools consisting of a rake, hoe curved spade, fork and flat spade. They are all made of brown plastic to represent the handles with the tools painted silver to look like metal.

The frame of the mower is made from coloured plastic, with a metal roller, and cutting rollers. The lawn mower can also be seen in red. The metal handle on this one is not painted, but often come painted green with yellow handles.

The colours of this Lawnmower is the opposite way round to the one above, and has a green painted handle.

The garden roller is made completely of metal, with a yellow painted handle, it is quite a heavy item.


A lovely little item with a yellow painted frame, the rest being made from coloured plastic.

This Wheelbarrow has a green painted frame with little yellow handle grips.
These sun loungers came in various colours, red, blue, green, yellow, lilac, green and cream.

LiLo 1026
Quite a strange item this, but it comes in various colours, even more strange was that it came 6 in a box! Jenny must have a lot of friends.

The garden is not just for relaxing in, but also play. There are various garden toys, a slide, sea-saw and swing.
This rather flimsy looking sea-saw is quite sturdy. The base is blue painted metal, the sea-saw is red plastic, but is very well made.

These include a workbench, garden tools, flowerpots, waterbutt, wheelbarrow, garden roller, lawnmower, watering can and a trug for collecting your home-grown vegetables.
TRUG 1115

This lovely little garden trug was sold on its own in the Triang Spot-On range, but came in the JH42 garden set. The set comprised of a wheelbarrow, plant pots, cauliflower, 2 marrows and a selection of garden tools.

The Marrow and Cauliflower also came in the Triang Spot-On No.1 Vegetable and Fruit Set.
For more examples of Triang/Spot On Furniture visit my Board on Pintrest: