Triang No.61
Fretwork and Garage Doors
The Fretwork from around the windows, and roof gable on the Triang No.61 has been removed. The roof gable fretwork is made out of cardboard, it has become very fragile around the nail holes.
Rather than replace the fretwork, I have added some new card on the reverse to give it some support.
All the fretwork for the house is now complete, with a nice coat of brown paint. The fretwork around the windows did not need any extra backing support.
The garage doors have been painted red, so they need to have the paint removed.
After removing the paint, I have redone the lines in the door with a round ended tool.
When the hinges were polished, I put masking tape around to protect the wood.
The paint on the reverse side of the doors has gone deep into the wood, so they will have to stay as they are.
I have the same house that I have bought for my 10 year old granddaughter. How do I find out what it originally looked like inside and what furniture went in ?
Dolls House Past and Present website have a lot of pictures of the Triang No.61 that will be of help you to see what it looked like originally. Triang did not produce furniture until the 1960.s, but there were other makers of 1/16 furniture during the time the house was produced.
Hi have you ever managed to trace spare windows? I’m currently restoring a very similar house but it has a missing window
The best place to find the windows is on Ebay … They do come up for sale every so often.