Triang Spot-On Jenny’s Home Accessories
Triang Spot-On
Triang Spot On furniture was produced in 1960. The style of this furniture being the late 1950’s The furniture made from moulded plastic and metal. It was sold in individual boxes, with the ‘Triang’ and ‘Spot On’ Logos, on a pink and cream box. The Range also included ‘Dollies Home’ introduced in 1962, which consisted mainly of room sets. The boxes they were sold in were printed to represent the room, kitchen, bedroom etc. The ‘Triang’, ‘Spot On’ and ‘Dollies Home’ range continued until 1964.
Jenny’s Home
As fashion and style move on so did Triang and in 1964, they launched a new range of furniture in collaboration with ‘Homes and Gardens’ magazine. This co-insided with the introduction of the ‘Jenny’s Home ‘ Room Boxes, many of them came ready furnished and could be joined together. Much of the furniture of the ‘Triang’ ‘ Spot On Range’, either changed in style or bright modern colours. Being made now completely of plastic, with the removal of the metal fittings. The packaging also changed with a move away from pink to blue, yellow, red and orange. With a smart new logo in a red and pink heart, with Jenny’s Home in the middle, and the words ‘the home that g-r-o-w-s around it. Individual items and small room sets, now on blister pack cards and room sets in plastic covered square flat boxes.

Here are some more exciting items for your Doll’s House. A Mini-Piano for the musically minded doll, and a beautiful Tri-and Dolls pram for your Dolly’s own doll. And for the nursery a charming Queen Anne Doll’s House and a Tri-ang Rocking Horse.
PRAM 1035


![Cylinder Hoover 1044 [with quite a few pieces missing]](
The hose is missing from my Hoover, along with a little attachment, I must look online and see if Hoover supply spare parts.

The Tri-ang Dolls’ House Furnishing plan supplies every dolls’ demands of floor and wall covering. Wall to wall carpets in soft colours and deep luxurious pile; gleaming tiled linoleum for a work-a-day surfaces, and the enchantment of daintily-patterned wallpapers, magically effective and surprisingly inexpensive.
Although this Filing Cabinet [1158] is not actually an Accessory, I was not sure where to put it.

I managed to take this picture, so it looks as if the lady is taking files from the cabinet.

The Filing Cabinet is one of the few items that is labeled with the Triang name.

Wall Covering Carpets and Lino. Another wonderful Tri-ang idea. Beautify your Doll’s House with this delightful range of contemporary floor and wall coverings. Self adhesive backed, they can be cut to size and prressed into position. Size of sheets 12″ x 3″.

TRUG 1115



The first Triang dog was white with black ears, and as stated on the box, came with a bone and bowl.

The Spaniel, in its basket [1135], was available until around 1968. It was replaced with a white poodle on its hind legs, but only came with Jenny Home sets JH45 and 50, not sold separately.


Triang produced a piano for the musically inclined residents of the Triang dolls house. The style is taken from the Eavestaff Mini Royal Piano, and Stool produced in the 1960’s.

The seat of the piano stool lifts up, to store your sheet music in.
When the top lid is opened the silver strings of the piano can be seen, it is complete with two black foot pedals.

This is probably a later model of the piano, as it is made of two different coloured shades of brown.
The newer Triang piano has gold strings and pedals.
On the inside of the piano lid is enbossed with the makers name Eavestaff.
This is another one of the few furniture items that are marked as being made by Tri-ang.
The original Umbrella Stand was blue, and came in a box with a walking stick and umbrella.

As you can see from the picture above, some of the metallic paint has come off the stand. The stand was only available in a set in the Jenny’s Home Range [JH 43]

This is a lovely set of silver items, some are listed as single items, but appeared in various combinations in Jenny’s Home Sets.

Triang Luggage 1142/1157, it consists of a Cabin Trunk, Suit Case and Hat Box.

The luggage is not quite as shown in the 1960 catalogue. This Set did continue into the Jenny’s Home range of furniture. The colour was changed though to brown with cream handles, it has always been sold as a group of three items.

The little handle on the Suitcase and Hot Box move,

The Luggage Set has a tendency to warp, but they look ok from the front.

This picture shows the inside of the suitcase. There is a piece of silver painted plastic which has a fitting for the handle and the little claps lock. For the size of this luggage the detail is very good, and not something you expect in a Triang piece.

For the ‘Do it yourself’ enthusiast, we have a wide range of dolls’ house fittings. All frames are of moulded plastic, whilst windows are fitted with transparent plastic ‘panes’ and opening doors with hinges.
For more examples of Triang/Spot On Furniture visit my Board on Pintrest:
So lovely to see a Catalogue of this furniture & accessories. I have a Gee Bees House furnished with Triang.
I find it surprising that the catalogues are all line drawings and not pictures. It does makes it more difficult to identify some of the smaller items. The captions are very much of the time.