Miniature Triang Dolls Houses

My latest project is making models of some of my Triang Dolls Houses. I have made them out of folded card, with the house details printed on. I have been working on this project for quite a while, and as I have time to spare at the moment I thought I would return to it. The roof had caused me the most problem, as I found it difficult to get the angles of the roof right.
First of all the Template of the house and roof are printed out, and each piece cut out with a craft knife. The main part of the house is made up of three small boxes, which are then glued together.
The roof of the house is made in three parts, it is these two end pieces that had given me so many problems. These tiny pegs are very useful in holding each piece together. I am not very good with glue, so while making these little houses I have to go very careful and pay attention to where my fingers are, so to keep them out of the glue.
The three boxes are glued together to form the main part of the house.
All the pieces are now stuck and ready to be put together.
The house measures 6 cm wide and is 4.5 cm high.
Two completed Triang No.76 houses, the one on the left has been varnished with oak varnish, the one on the right only has varnish on the green base.
The Triang No.61 was a little more difficult as it has an extra window panel at the front, also it is a lot smaller. It is 4.5 cm wide and is 3.75 cm high.
This is the Triang No.77 in the doorway of the house it is a model of. It measures 7.5 cm wide and is 4.5 cm high.
Not quite sure yet what my next model will be …….
I love your little houses! Thank you for sharing these pictures; I very much enjoy looking at your work.
Thank you, I was so pleased a plan in my head had come together at last.
Love this!
Thank you