1960 Triang Spot-On Catalogue
I am not sure what Triang House is pictured on the front of this catalogue. but it does look very modern, with its swimming pool, patio and garage. Very much open plan modern living.
‘Mice and dolls’, Caterpillas and Lilliputian, at one sixteenth human size …….. only in the 60’s.
Enchantment of daintily-patterned wallpapers , magically effective, gleaming tiled linoleum and this is just floor and wall coverings.
Does a child know what colour a graceful Nascurcium is,or zinc weighted injection moulded plastic. I wonder if this was written for a child.
ABCDEFGHIJ? – and a whistling kettle.
‘ Inimitable’ -so good or unusual as to be impossible to copy; unique. The kitchen table and chairs are scientifically designed, the kettle whistles, the most up to date brightly coloured stew pans and frying pans, but don’t forget the traditional irreplaceable stepladder.
ABCDEFG? – F Sofa [3 TV Chair’s joined together], Hi-fi Set,
This room does look nice, each piece of furniture gives a harmonious feel to the room. Especially with the luxurious winged three-piece suite.
How comfortable does the bed sound, with a spring overlay, bolster, pillow, eiderdown and bed-spread. The description mentions the ‘High Wycombe’ look, I have written a post about this style of furniture here.
The back page contains various items I have never seen, Janitor Boiler, for Winter the Triang plan for central heating.