Hobbies Annual 1968

The Hobbies 1968 Annual states that it sells ‘The newest and best ideas for every hobbiest’ this included plans and kits for making Dolls Houses and furniture. They also sold wall and floor papers, windows and doors. Some of the furniture was manufactured by various well-known makers such as Triang’s Jennys Home Range and Dol Toi, also Romside doors, windows chimney pots etc.

The description on this page of wallpaper makes very interesting reading ….
Use these papers for decorating the new Doll’s House you are making – or give your daughter a dozen assorted sheets and let her redecorate her Doll’s house while you are doing a mansize job in your own home.
The images of the Triang/Jenny’s Home furniture in this Hobbies Annual are photographs, rather than most of the Triang Catalogues that were mainly coloured drawings.

This collection of Room Box Sets, seems to be a mixture of Triang and early pieces of the Jennys Home Range.
Modern furniture in self coloured high grade plastic. Beautifully modelled with details carefully reproduced Perfect reproductions!
The Jenny’s Home Range does not mention the Triang or Spot-On name, now it states they are by Rovex Industries.

The Hobbies Annual also contained Dol Toi Furniture, it is described as …
DOLL’S HOUSE FURNITURE [WOOD] by HOBBIES. A completely new range of wooden furniture sets, designed specifically to furnish Hobbies’ range of Dolls’ Houses. Sturdy but light in weight built to last and will provide many hours of enjoyment. Painted or varnished finishes.
The Dol Toi Sets were priced at 7/11 [40p] for each set, while the Jennys Home Range were priced from 12/11 [65p] to 15/11 [80p] the average wage at this time was about £18 a week.

Like the models on the opposite page, [these were toy forts and farms for boys] these doll’s houses have all the difficult work already completed. They are sturdily constructed from wood and/or hardboard. Each kit contains materials for finishing, such as papers and enamels. The completed kit will give hours of playtime pleasure.

‘LINDY’ PLAY HOUSE [RTA.12] by HOBBIES. A strongly constructed play house with 3 floor levels standing 2 ft. 9 ins. when completed. Sliding doors give an overall width of 2 ft. 4 in. Decorating materials included – no furniture. The cost of this house is 76/6 [£3.38]
I chose this house, because it shows Triang/Jennys Home furniture not shown for sale in the Annual, there is a Radiogram and a washing machine.